Terms and Conditions | The Media Bees

The User acknowledges accepting and acting in accordance with the Terms and Conditions described herein, as well as all future amendments thereto, by using the service provided by The Media Bees.

In the terms and conditions mentioned here, whenever the terms "we", "us" or "our" are used, we are referring to Abelhinhas do Digital, Lda. Whenever we use "you", "your" or "yours", we mean anyone who uses themediabees.com, the media bees e-learning platform, or is a client of The Media Bees.


General conditions

The use and sales promoted are governed by the following Terms and Conditions.

By browsing these websites and contracting our services, the user agrees to act in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with their content, you must immediately terminate your access and/or use of these websites.

If you breach any of the terms herein, your right to access and use these websites will be terminated immediately and, if applicable, we will proceed to judicial remedies.



Work requested and carried out by The Media Bees will not be subject to outside scrutiny and will be kept completely confidential. All assistants and clients of The Media Bees must sign a confidentiality agreement when submitting the service contract. Information owned by the user will never be published, disclosed or communicated directly or indirectly to third parties

The Media Bees reserves the right to use the personal data you have entered on this website to contact you directly and send you relevant communication within the scope of the services provided by The Media Bees, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Submission of Documents

The work requested by the client will be provided by the contracted means, whether by email or registered letter (costs may be added to the latter). As the client wishes, they may be provided in editable and/or non-editable (pdf) format.


Verification and validation of the work carried out

Although The Media Bees thoroughly checks the requested work for errors, it is also the customer's responsibility to check for errors and inform the account manager of any errors that need to be corrected. Only after validation by the client does the account manager consider the service as completed, and is not responsible for errors and/or consequences of errors not detected by the client before validation


Contracting of the service:

No service is provided without an initial meeting. At this meeting we will get to know the client, their business, service and objectives, and from this meeting we will determine the client's needs and how The Media Bees' services can really be of benefit and necessary.

A service provision contract is then drawn up which The Media Bees and the client must sign, acknowledging the services to be provided, the cost of the service provision and the agreed terms and conditions.

Contracts can be signed for one-off services or recurring services/monthly subscriptions.


One-off services

The prices of each service will be charged according to the amount stipulated or budgeted.


Recurring services/Monthly fees

All contracts have a minimum duration of 30 days (automatically renewed) except in cases where loyalty is not necessary or is refused (fees may apply).



  • Travel: services that imply travel outside the action radius may have an extra cost of 0.50€ for each kilometre travelled. The Google Maps application is used to calculate the extra kilometres;
  • Printing: No printing costs of any kind are included;
  • Extra costs: sending letters, packages or other via CTT or other carrier;

Digital products:

The Media Bees owns and sells digital products, namely courses, mini-courses, ebooks, checklists or other materials.


Conditions of purchase and form of payment:

The Media Bees digital products are sold through the website.

Each digital product has its price stipulated and will be available to buyers for a maximum period of 2 (two) years.

All digital products are supplied after verification that 100% of the amount has been paid through the website's payment systems.

The platform accepts the following payment methods:

  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • PayPal
  • ATM reference.
  • MB Way

No other method of payment will be accepted



Punctual services:
Services provided that are on time must be prepaid before the service is provided.

Recurring/monthly services:
Recurring/monthly services must be prepaid on a monthly basis by subscription and contract agreed in the service contract.

Services provided by The Media Bees can be paid for in the following ways:

  • Bank transfer;
  • MBway.

The customer is requested to forward via email proof of payments made by bank transfer and MBway.

Good collection of payment is only considered effective once it is available in The Media Bees' bank account.

If payment is more than 5 working days late, interest of 10% will be payable for each day of delay.

From 7 working days of delay, The Media Bees may terminate the contract with cause and/or cease providing services until payment is made.

Non-payment can lead to prosecution.


Refund policy:

Payments already made will not be refunded.



The Media Bees quotes its services free of charge.

All quotes are valid for 5 days from the date they are sent, with the exception of extra and/or variable values for services and/or products contracted from other companies or entities.


Price list

The price list of services provided by The Media Bees is available at any time on its website. VAT at the legal rate in force shall be added to the values indicated.

Until 31/01/2023 no VAT will be charged under the Article 53 of the VAT code. From 01/02/2023, all amounts paid will be increased by VAT at the prevailing rate in mainland Portugal (23%).

The Media Bees reserves the right to update and change its prices, such changes will be communicated to you by e-mail and will take effect from the first day of the month following the communication.

If you continue to use The Media Bees' services after the new price list comes into effect you will be deemed to have accepted the communicated changes.


Suspension or cancellation of recurring services/monthly subscriptions

Recurring services are renewed for successive periods of 360 days (as per contract), and may be cancelled by indication of the customer at any time, except for contracts with a binding period.

The request for cancellation of the subscription and termination of the service provision contract must be made in writing, via email to info@themediabees.pt, at least 30 days before the scheduled expiry date.

The Media Bees also has the right to suspend or cancel, immediately and without charge, the provision of the services in the event that:

  • Customer's failure to comply with any of its obligations under these terms and conditions and if the obligation in question is not complied with within the prescribed time limits or from notification of the relevant breach to the Customer; or
  • for non-payment after 7 working days from the due date for payment; or
  • any suspension, debt recomposition between creditors and debtors, bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or termination of the business by the client.

Alteration and updating of service provision contract

The customer acknowledges and accepts that The Media Bees may unilaterally modify the terms and conditions in force at any given time and will notify the customer in writing of any such modification.

The new conditions will take effect from the month following communication.

However, changes may take effect at an earlier date, indicated by The Media Bees to the Customer, if they are introduced because, after the start of the provision of services, there is a substantial change in the contracting assumptions, namely those relating to its activity and the operations carried out, the Customer's level of risk and its payment operations.

If the client does not agree with the contractual alterations introduced, the client may cancel the contract for the provision of services with effect from the date of entry into force of the contractual alterations, but without prejudice to the fulfilment of the obligations arising for him/her and that are pending prior to the termination and to continuing to be obliged to pay the Media Bees the amounts due to the latter for the services provided during the period of validity of the contract.

The Media Bees and the customer may agree to amend the service agreement by written document signed by both parties, with the amendments becoming an integral part of the service agreement.


Obligations of The Media Bees

A the Media Bees:

  • is committed and warrants that only The Media Bees staff has access to the customer's personal information;
  • guarantees that the services and hours contracted by the client will be treated with professionalism and zeal;
  • total security in commercial transactions with the client.

Obligations of the client

The client:

  • will ensure that sufficient relevant information, instructions and documents will be provided in due time (and in any case not less than 72 hours before the intended intervention) to enable the requested services to be carried out;
  • will send, in a timely manner, any material requested by The Media Bees, essential for the fulfillment of the contracted services and functions;
  • in the particular case of content creation for social networks, email or blog articles, failure to send the requested information may lead to non-publication of the same and to calendar non-compliance. Non-compliances caused by the client will not be rewarded, i.e. lost publications cannot be carried over to the following month/week;
  • will obtain all necessary access and take all necessary steps to remove or remedy any obstacles or interruptions to the provision of the services;
  • provide, if necessary, any special equipment and personnel needed for the performance of the services;
  • will ensure that all necessary measures are taken for the protection and safety of working conditions, sites and facilities during the performance of the services and will not rely, in this respect, solely on The Media Bees' opinion, whether solicited or unsolicited;
  • shall fully exercise all its rights and perform all its obligations under any relevant service contract or any other agreement entered into with any third party and by law.

The client and The Media Bees agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the conditions of the service provision contract signed, not disclosing them in any way, except to the extent that is necessary and strictly instrumental in fulfilling the obligations of each of the contracting parties.


Dedicated Hours

The Media Bees provides its services on the basis of the packages contracted by the client.

Contracted hours may be based on a timetable agreed between the client and The Media Bees or may relate to the total number of hours worked by The Media Bees assistant.

Out of hours contacts have an established extra cost of £30/hour

Opening hours

The Media Bees provides its services independently and without pre-defined hours.

For customer service (via email, phone and WhatsApp), the following hours are available:

Monday-Friday: 11am - 4pm


Intellectual Property

All copyright and ownership rights of the developed designs are reserved to  The Media Bees.

The customer accepts that the service contains protected and confidential information that is protected by applicable law.

The customer acknowledges that any content that appears in the advertising, highlighting, promotion or mention of any sponsor or advertiser is protected by the laws relating to copyright and related rights, the laws relating to industrial property and other laws for the protection of property, so that any use of such content may only occur under the express authorization of their owners.

The customer may not duplicate, copy, reproduce, redistribute, reuse any part of the service, or visual design elements or concepts without express written permission from The Media Bees, under penalty of incurring civil and criminal liability.

The User undertakes to fully respect the rights referred to in the preceding paragraphs, in particular by refraining from carrying out any acts that may violate the law or the aforementioned rights, such as the reproduction, commercialisation, transmission or making available to the public of such content or any other unauthorised acts with regard to the same content.

The Media Bees does not claim any intellectual property rights over the data that the user enters into the service.

The Media Bees undertakes to keep confidential and not to disclose, by any means, except under court order, any proprietary data to which it may have access.



Backup copies of customer documents are kept for a maximum period of one year.

So, for example, if the last service performed was in February 20nn, a back-up copy of the documents relating to the customer who requested the termination of the contract will be kept until at the latest February 20nn+1, at which point the documents will be irretrievably deleted.


Exclusion of liability

We make every effort to ensure that the information, material and knowledge on our website is correct and rectify any errors or omissions as soon as possible when notified of them. However, we are not responsible if the information, material and knowledge from third parties on the website is inaccurate or if there are any errors or omissions in the data, material and information.

We do not provide any warranty that the website or any information contained on it or any third party website is free of viruses or any agent that may have a detrimental impact on any technology.

We have no liability for any loss or damage arising from your inability to access the website and for any use of the website which is beyond our control.

We are not responsible or liable for any indirect loss or damage suffered or incurred by you or which was not foreseeable when you accessed or used this website. This includes any services, business opportunities, profits or revenues or any loss or damage you may suffer or incur in connection with your use of this website.

Some of our channels may give you access to third party websites which may contain reviews regarding various products and services.

You are fully responsible for any use of these websites and for any attempt to obtain or refrain from acquiring any products or services found on these websites. Any links to third party websites are provided for your interest and convenience. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur as a result of using third party websites or for any acts, omissions, errors or negligence referred to on that website.

Your use of any third party website is governed by the terms and conditions and privacy policy of that website. Such terms and conditions and privacy policy may differ entirely from these Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to seek the terms and conditions and privacy policy of that website before using it. We are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur as a result of the terms and conditions or privacy policy of any third party website or for any acts, omissions, errors or negligence of any third party as a result of their terms and conditions and/or privacy policy



The Media Bees strives to provide an excellent service. In this sense, attention to the customer and his needs is one of our major concerns.

If you have any complaints, please send them in writing via email to info@themediabees.pt


Changes to terms and conditions

The Media Bees reserves the right to update and change the terms of service from time to time and without prior notice, such change will be communicated to the user by e-mail and will take effect from the first day of the month following the respective communication.

If the user does not agree with the change, the user has the right to terminate the service contract at the end of the month of notification of the change, without any penalty or compensation. The user may consult the updated version of the terms of service at any time by accessing https://themediabees.pt/termos-e-condicoes.


Visit to The Media Bees premises

It is not possible to visit the premises of The Media Bees.


My account

Here you will have access to information, purchases and downloads.
